POSTED: 21/05/2019 at 1:44pm  BY: Lourdes Ayala Comments (0) Comment on Post

Know the following words: translucent material, opaque material, convex lens, iris, cornea, retina, plane mirror, electromagnetic waves,  transparent material, concave lenses, convex mirror

  1. When lgiht waves change speed, ___ occurs
  2. what stops the transmission of sound waves but not light waves?
  3. vibrating objects produce sound waves by creating a series of?
  4. know the two tables on pages 142 - 143; be able to label 
  5. explain why two mirrors show different images 
  6. analyze what happens to the speed of a sound waves when someone on a boat shouts a message to you while you are swimming underwater
  7. compare/contrast rod and cone cells
  8. explain the way ears turn vibration into sound 
  9. determine which object might appear brightest - one that absorbs light, one that reflects light, or one that transmits light - explain your reasoning
  10. state one example of how people use sound waves to "see" underwater
  11. analyze why objects in the same light can appear to be different colors
  12. contrast the images that would be created by the surface water of a calm , still pond and the surface water of a rough, wind-whipped lake.  use the words regular reflection and diffused reflection in your answer


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