POSTED: 22/05/2019 at 7:43am  BY: Lourdes Ayala Comments (0) Comment on Post

  1. What is asthenosphere
  2. what causes tectonic plates to move
  3. what is lithosphere
  4. what happens when one tectonic plate slides under another plate
  5. know: convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries
  6. state the theory of plate tectonics
  7. describe convection in the mantle
  8. compare and contrast the three types of plate boundaries
  9. strong earthquakes occur when movement along faults cover___
  10. the strongest earthquakes occur where plates ___
  11. Most earthquakes occur ___
  12. the amount of energy released during an earthquake is called
  13. a crack or a fracture in Earth's crust along which movement occurs is ___
  14. the vibration caused by the rupture and sudden movement of rocks along a break or crack in Earth's crust is ___
  15. know: fault, lava, and magma, volcanic arc, earthquakes
  16. contrast the mountains that form at different plate boundaries
  17. define volcano and explain where most volcanoes form
  18. define mid ocean ridge
  19. what causes earthquakes?  where and why do most earthquakes occur?
  20. Why do mountains form along convergent boundaries
  21. Most volcanoes form as the result of what type of plate movement
  22. the strongest and most damaging earthquakes occur at convergent boundary where ___ 


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