POSTED: 24/05/2019 at 10:22am  BY: Lourdes Ayala Comments (1) Comment on Post

  1. on which peninsula is Athens located?
  2. why were Attica and Peloponnesus attractive to settlers
  3. explain the effect of geography on early China
  4. what was important during the Shang Dynasty 
  5. what did ancient Chinese call their lands
  6. where does the Heung River empty
  7. what are two Han achievements?
  8. define dynasty
  9. where was the Shang Dynasty capital moved to?
  10. What did the earliest Chinese writing look like?
  11. because the Huang He floods, what is its nickname?
  12. the huge plateau that is within the Himalaya is known as the ___
  13. describe Alexander the Great
  14. compare/contrast Spartan women and Athenian women
  15. who were the Greek philosophers
  16. in what year did Alexander the Great die?
  17. what happened the Alexander the great after he defeated the Persians?
  18. How is the USA government like the government of Ancient Greece
  19. what helped the Dorians take advantage of the Nycenaeans?
  20. How did the Shang Dynasty encourage the settlement of more lands and towns
  21. Who was Shihuangdi
  22. what function does a seismograph perform and how does it get its information?
  23. what are the Illiad and the Odyssey?
  24. Hoe did the physical geography of Ancient Greece affects its economy?


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