POSTED: 24/05/2019 at 10:41am  BY: Lourdes Ayala Comments (0) Comment on Post

  1. what did the cotton gin do for the south?
  2. what was the Embargo Act?
  3. who was chosen by Jefferson to lead the  expedition after the Louisiana Purchase?
  4. Who wrote the national anthem
  5. what was the decision in Marbury v. Madison and why was it significant
  6. what did the Judiciary Act of 1801 allow President Adams to do?
  7. which president dealt with the XYZ Affair?
  8. What did Washington establish to help him run the new country?
  9. what was targeted in the Alien and Sedition Acts?
  10. What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions declare?
  11. What set up the federal court system?
  12. a person opposed to war
  13. a person not yet a citizen
  14. the treaty that ended the War of 1812
  15. What is Nat Turner best known for?
  16. What did Eli Whitney invent that helped transform manufacturing?
  17. what was the Missouri Compromise
  18. About which region did President Monroe specifically direct part of this Monroe  Doctrine
  19. a person that puts his region before the nation is called a 
  20. which Native American leader dies while fighting for the British in the War of 1812
  21. how did transportation improvements in the 1800s affect the nation?
  22. where were most of the early factories built
  23. who invented the telegraph
  24. why did Jefferson send the Corp of Discovery into the Louisiana Territory?
  25. How did the court ruling in McCulloch V. Maryland strengthen the federal government?
  26. what issues led the US to declare war on Britain in 1812?  Explain.Summarize Eli Whitney's idea of interchangeable parts.  How was it a factor in the industrial revolution?
  27. in his farewell address, Washington warned against two dangers.  What were they and did Americans follow his advice?


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