POSTED: 24/05/2019 at 12:36pm  BY: Lourdes Ayala Comments (0) Comment on Post

  1. know the 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments 
  2. describe the difficulties faced by miners during the mining book
  3. know what life was like for an immigrant child during the 1800s
  4. be able to discuss three issues in need of reform during the Gilded Age
  5. Who as Ida B. Wells?
  6. Who were the Mutualistas?
  7. What part of the nation first gave women equal suffrage?
  8. what was the Interstate Commerce Act?
  9. what was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
  10. Who was  Thomas Edison? Why was his factory so important?
  11. Why was steel important after the Civil War
  12. What were settlement houses
  13. Who was John D. Rockefeller?
  14. What new technologies helped cities grow between 1860 and 1890?
  15. the land rush of 1889 settled what state?
  16. What jobs did immigrants in the west do?
  17. what is the transcontinental railroad?
  18. What happened at the Battle of Wounded Knee?
  19. What was Lincoln's goals for reconstruction?
  20. who were scalawags?
  21. How were African Americals denied civil rights after the Civil War?
  22. what were the duties of the Freedmen's Bureau?
  23. What is a grandfather clause?


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