User's Guide

The purpose of is to provide educators with an easy-to-use tool for communicating with parents and students. The basic use of SchoolNotes is for a teacher to set up a Page and to add student and parent e-mails to a notification list, so that they are notified automatically when the teacher updates the Page. An update might include, for example, adding a new homework assignment. This keeps "Everybody on the Same Page!" Teachers can also add favorite links to their Pages and create online flashcards for students to use. Teachers can manage up to 10 Pages with one free account.

Page Content Guidelines does not discriminate on any basis. is not responsible for the content of any user-created Page. The opinions and views expressed in users' Pages do not reflect those of The contents of the Pages are not reviewed in any way before they appear in

We reserve the right to remove any page from the system which is brought to our attention and which we find, in our sole discretion, is inappropriate in any way. does not actively monitor the content of Pages created by members, but will investigate complaints. Please submit any such complaints using the form to be found by clicking the Customer Service button or the Help link in the header of any page. is not responsible for any loss of data resulting from our deletion Pages, network or system outages, file corruption, or any other reasons.

Though not an exhaustive list, the following are inappropriate uses of SchoolNotes Pages:

  • nudity or pornographic material of any kind;
  • grossly offensive content, including blatant expressions of bigotry, prejudice, racism, hatred, or profanity;
  • information that promotes illegal activities or physical harm or injury against any group or individual;
  • defamation;
  • commercial uses;
  • anything that exploits children;
  • copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property infringement;
  • hyperlinks to any other sites which may contain such inappropriate content or offer such inappropriate activities.

Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless SchoolNotes, its owners, and its employees, for any loss, liability, claim, damage, or expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with any uses of SchoolNotes Pages. In the event that receives a complaint that the contents of a Member Page infringe intellectual property rights, will take such steps in its sole discretion it believes to be appropriate under the circumstances. SchoolNotes reserves the right to release current or past member information if deems it necessary and/or appropriate. In short, this site and the tools thereon are provided "as is," with no warranty implied or expressed of any kind.
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