POSTED: 25/02/2016 at 9:07am  BY: Carm Veros Comments (0) Comment on Post

Important Dates:

SAVE THE DATE- Monday, May 23 at 12:00 - Kindergarten Celebration, the kids will sing a few songs and they will receive a certificate for completing kindergarten. Our class will be with Mrs. Leonard /Mrs. Gilmore’s class. Please put this date on your calendars.


Saturday, March 19- Pot of Gold Auction


Kindergarten Lenten Project- As a Lenten Project, kindergarten will be collecting items for the Food Bank’s Buddy Pack Program. These are individually wrapped healthy snacks. We will be collecting these food items until Wednesday, March 9th. Thank you for your support with this project!


Here are some suggestions for food items to donate to the Buddy Pack (all items should be individually wrapped):


Peanut butter crackers or cheese crackers

Granola bars

Individual serving size pop-top canned fruit, pasta, or soup

Individual serving size cereal  


Please continue praying for Rhyan, her family and the medical team to help them decide what the best treatment plan is for Rhyan. Rhyan will have surgery on Wednesday, March 2nd in New York to remove the tumor. Please say some extra prayers this week for her surgery to go well.


Please double check your child's fleece to make sure they do not have another child's fleece.  Thank you!



Sneak Peek into the Week:


The letter of the week is Kk, Kaboom Kick.. The homework page will be in your child’s folder on Monday and it will be due on Thursday.


Religion- Lent and Stations of the Cross


Writing daily- working on writing a story with a beginning, middle and end.



Reading- We are learning the color words, days of the week, names of our friends in class, and family names. (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, baby and cousin) The following words are on the word wall; a, am, and, are, because, by, be, can, friend, go, God, have, house, here, he, I, it, is, in, if, Jesus, like, love, little, my, me, no, of, out, on, play, see, saw, she, said, the, to, there, this, then, want, was, went, we, with, when, what, will, you. Word family “it”-bit, lit, hit, sit, kit, fit, quit- “at”, bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, sat, “et”, bet, let, jet, met, net, set, vet, wet, Jesus, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, smog, “ug”-dug, mug, bug, hug, jug, plug, tug, rug


Working on comprehension by retelling a story by naming the characters, setting and retelling the beginning, middle and the end of the story. Also, relating the story to any personal connections.


Math- Identify coins and the value of each coin. The kids will be assessed on identifying each coin and the value of each coin for 3rd quarter. This is sometimes a hard concept for kindergartners, so extra review at home would be beneficial. We will also start working on graphing.


Science- Earth, Space


Social Studies- Communities



Tuesday-Church and PE


Wednesday- Art


Thursday- Computer and counselor 

Friday- Music and library.


Thank you for all of your support!



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