POSTED: 23/08/2019 at 5:12am  BY: Doris Hall Comments (0) Comment on Post

The college admissions process can seem daunting, and it can be tough to truly understand as an applicant. Each undergraduate admissions office has various factors it deems significant, but demonstrated interest is an important aspect for all college admissions offices. In brief, demonstrated interest is how long is a 500 word essay and how much a student shows a school that he or she is most interested in their college. Even though admissions policies and acceptance choices can have a veil of ambiguity, demonstrated interest is important in all college applications due to the following factors:

1. To separate yourself from other applicants

Some applicants simply seem more interested in a school than others. An admissions committee wants you to separate yourself from the pack and tell them why you are perfect for this specific school. The easiest way to tell a school that it is your top choice is to state in your application why it is your top-choice school. The admissions committee wants to know this information in order to weed out the applicants who aren't truly invested in the school, and then push for the applicants who have demonstrated a true desire to attend.

2. To boost admissions statistics

Admissions offices are constantly worried about admissions statistics. Statistics on applicant yield, specifically, are scrutinized by various committees to rate schools on how "competitive" they are and how many accepted students matriculate into the school. In sum, the higher the yield (or the percent of accepted students who enroll at a particular college), the better. In order to do their best to ensure a high and competitive yield, colleges aim to admit students they are confident will attend the college. That being said, the more explicit you are that this college is right for you in your application, the better your chances that you will be strongly considered as an applicant.

3. So the admissions committee can picture you at the school

Admissions officers read thousands of applications every year, and it is important for them to be able to picture you at their college. Mentioning specific clubs or extracurricular activities, along with specific departments and faculty under whom you would like to study, helps the admissions officer picture you as a student at the institution. This simple exercise can help them know exactly where you would fit within the college's educational ecosystem and whether you could potentially fill a student void in a certain department.

4. To know that a student will do his or her best at that school

The last thing that an admissions office wants to do is accept students that will fail out of the school or drop out before graduation. Admissions officers look into demonstrated interest of the school because they want to know that you will truly devote yourself to the school and the academic department in which you will study. Graduation rates are another competitive score between colleges, so the admissions office will do its best to only select applicants who have high chances of graduating.

5. To foresee academic and alumni growth for the school

Demonstrated interest also may hint at how a student will contribute to the overall endowment and reputation of the school after the student graduates. The thought process goes that if a student shows sincere and genuine interest in a school before he or she matriculates, it is likely that he or she will fall further in love with the school after matriculating. Admissions officers try to predict as best as possible which applicants are already emotionally invested in the school and could help the school in the future by developing new academic accolades to get positive press, or becoming a generous alumnus in the future.

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