POSTED: 24/09/2021 at 6:08am  BY: Lauren Chan Comments (0) Comment on Post

An informative essay typically serves to educate readers on a particular subject. They usually answer either of the 5 Ws: what, when, who, where, and why.

Argumentative essays on essay writer site the other hand serve to persuade readers to agree with the claim being made by the author. In this type of essay, use of facts and evidence to support claims is vital. While these two types of essays are invariably different, they share plenty of similarities. What are some of these similarities?


They both have a clear and engaging introduction. While these two types of essays differ substantively, they have an almost similar type of introduction. Both these essays have well-crafted introductions and thesis statements that explain what the essays are about.

They both develop evidence with relevant proofs, definitions, concrete facts and quotations where necessary. Given that both essays aim woth to appeal to the reader, they both incorporate heavy use of facts and evidence to support their claims. Before starting to write either of these essays, the writer often has to conduct detailed research and gather appropriate evidence.

Both essays use and appropriate linking ideas within and across paragraphs. The aim of linking ideas within paragraphs is to seamlessly and purposely connect the central claim to the evidence.

The share a similar format. While an argumentative essay follows the five-paragraph model more precisely, with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion, the informative essay adopts the same structure as well.

Both types of essays also conclude by making a final point or observation. While these two essays serve different functions, they play by the same rules. In their conclusion, they both summarize their main paints and make a final observation.

See also:

Fantasy story

Table of contents / blurb

Lyric narrator

Drama Analysis

The structure of the essay


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