POSTED: 18/10/2011 at 1:39pm  BY: Corinne Consoli Comments (0) Comment on Post

10/17-10/21 Grade 8

Monday 10/17-- complete p.65 in WBK when would you use Ser, when should you use Estar?

Tues 10/18--Ser and Estar grid sheet complete
Head's up for Quiz on Ser, Estar and Adjectives on Monday 10/24

Wed 10/19--P.23 in WBK is it done?? UNDERLINE every adjective used in section 12!

Thurs 10/20--List 10 adjectives in Spanish along with their opposite.
Watch spellings and make sure you know each meaning!

Friday 10/21-- Study for SER vs ESTAR and ADJECTIVE quiz. Monday is the quiz! When does each verb get used? Do you know your adjectives?


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