POSTED: 24/10/2011 at 2:32pm  BY: Corinne Consoli Comments (0) Comment on Post

GRADE 7 10/24-10/28

Mon-- Answer en espanol!
Para la clase de matematicas, ¿Qué necesitas?
Para la clase de español, ¿Qué necesitas? En tu armario, ¿Qué tienes? En tu mochila ¿Qué tienes? Your answers should begin with NECESITO or TENGO. Study new classroom vocab!

TUES-- Continue studying new classroom vocab! Have you made flashcards? Which words are you finding facil? (easy) Which words are you finding dificil (hard)?

WED--Worksheet making words singular or plural, remember rules for Masculine/Feminine.

THUR-- Easy practice sheet with classroom vocab AND get your costume ready!!

Fri-- over the weekend practice new vocab, what can you find out about Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)? Write down 5 facts in English in your own words!


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